MeetingsThe Annual Meeting of the ARE ST (planned on a weekend between October 15th and October 31st) shall be for the (s)election* of officers, Administrative Group Leads, & Lead Liaisons (1 laity, 1 clergy), delivering Administrative reports, as well as any other necessary business and policy making. Incoming and Renewing Team Leads will be affirmed at this time. Once established, each non-Administrative Team selects their own Team Leads, as appropriate for their needs and preferences. These Team Leads will also be affirmed, if desired. Monthly ST meetings will be held for reporting, organizing, and decision making. All SC meetings are considered open and may be attended by any member of ARE. Individual teams hold meetings as needed. These may be open or closed, per preference. Special ST meetings may be called at any time by consent of twenty-five percent (25%) of ST members in good standing. Reasonable notice to all ST members must be given for all meetings. A minimum of two weeks notice, but no more than 60 days notice shall be provided for all meetings. E-mail or other electronic means, letter, or phone, shall be considered reasonable methods of notification. In the case of a "special" meeting called in an emergency, forty-eight (48) hours notice shall be considered reasonable. Decision making![]() When a quorum is present at any meeting, a consensus, using Formal Consensus (as defined in On Conflict and Consensus by C.T. Lawrence Butler and Amy Rothstein) shall decide any question, excepting a contested election for an officer which shall be decided by using the MBC or another Inclusive Voting Procedure as outlined in (s)Election of Officers (below). For more information, see Consensus Decision Making. Addition of Members to the Steering TeamIf an ARE member who has been engaging consistently in ARE Team activities wishes to become a member of the Steering Team and/or a Team Lead (if the position is open):
(s)Election of Officers, Administrative Group & Team LeadsElection of Officers, Administrative Group Leads, and Lead Liaisons shall be by Formal Consensus of the ST whenever possible. When contested elections are held, the voting method to be used shall be the Modified Borda Count (MBC)